The years of research and development by General Choi resulted in the Chang Hun Style (open name of the author) of Taekwon-Do. Though this style is primarily based on Taekwon-Do. Though this style is primarily based on Taek Kyon, Soo Bak, and karate techniques, a myriad of techniques have been added, especially in the variety of hand techniques and perfection of foot techniques. The Chang Hum style is based on twenty-four patterns, each perfected and polished by General Choi Hong Hi and his colleagues, from the white belt pattern Chon-Ji, to the highest one, Tong II.
Important Dates
- 1945 – Liberation of Korea
- 1946 – Lieutenant Choi begins teaching to Korean military and some American
- 1949 – Colonel Choi gives martial arts demonstrations at Fort Riley, Kansas
- 1950 – Korean War
- 1951 – Korean War ends: some Tae Kyon masters missing in action
- 1952 – Martial Arts demonstration before Korean President Rhee
- 1954 – 29th Infantry organized on Che Ju Island as spearhead of the art in the Korean Military
- 1955 – Korean Board formally gives the name “TaeKwon-Do” to the art
- Early – TaeKwon-Do masters begin travelling to the United Nations building; Masters sent to teach Vietnamese troops unarmed combat
- Middle 60’s – Expansion continues to Middle East, Southeast Asia, Europe and Canada
- 1966 – International Taekwon-Do Federation formed with many Nations as members
- 1968 – Taekwon-Do topics at Paris International Sports Symposium
- 1973 – World Taekwon-Do Federation formed in Seoul